Facebook Friend Friday

I love that little photo collage at the top of my facebook that highlights eight friends. Since all of the people on my facebook are “real” friends, I decided that I want to tell you about the collection as it appears this Friday.

First is the fabulous Brookie. Brooke was our first Mrs. Oklahoma International. I learned the ropes with her and we became so close. David and I refer to her and her equally fabu husband, Teddy, as our middle child as they fall in between Brandon and Geoff in age. Not only did we have a really fun year with Brookie, we got to know and love her guys: Teddy, her husband, and her Irish twins, Corbin and Ian. One of my very favorite memories of the Good family is when Brookie was giving up her crown at the 2008 pageant. Teddy escorted her on the stage and Corbin and Ian were waiting, each with a rose, backstage with Teddy’s sister. She was going to let them join Teddy and Brooke on the stage at the appropriate time. One of the boys, I can’t remember which, got ahead of the game and went out to join his parents on the stage. Teddy’s sister tried to get him back but I told her to let him go. Then the other boy got away and joined the rest of his family. He then took the hand of his brother and the Good’s did a ring around the rosie on stage. I have goosebumps while typing this. Sometimes you can’t script moments as good as that one was.

Next is Sara Sosnowski. Sara is an amazing cosmetologist who does my facials and pedicures. She also cuts David’s hair when we’re in Bartlesville. I’ve been seeing Sara since before she was married and now not only is she married, she’s having a baby! I can’t wait. I’m so excited for her and her husband. If you need spa services in Bartlesville, I cannot recommend Sara enough. I’m glad I can stay in touch with Sara via facebook now that we’ve left the ‘ville.

Oh Shannon Gallagher. How can I tell you how much she amazes me? I met her at the Bixby Heartlink women’s networking group. I was immediately fascinated and drawn to her because of what she does. Shannon is a Nutritionist/Phytotherapist (a modern day herbalist) who specializes in endocrine health which in turns controls the reproductive system. She’s been working in fertility for almost the entire time she’s been in this line of work. I am completely convinced that we should look at our health issues from a natural viewpoint instead of just dumping drugs on top of them as a bandaid. When I see that Shannon has helped another lady become pregnant, I want to cry with joy. Shannon is a positive and amazing woman with three cute little kiddos and a terrific chiropractor husband.

Mike Sheats is my cousin. It’s so funny because I believe the last time I saw Mike, he was 11 years old and David had to help get him off the roof of their house in North Carolina. We were 18 so you know how many years ago that’s been. I’m so happy to have connected with Mike on facebook. Now I can share in his life and the lives of his two super cute kiddos, Madison and Kyle. Yummy blonde goodness. They are CUTE!

I met Heather Dutcher when she was Mrs. Cleveland County International 2010. I was immediately drawn to her passion for her platform which was to help find a cure for pancreatic cancer. She called me to tell me that her dad had died of pancreatic cancer about the same time my mom’s ovarian cancer had re-emerged after the seven years which usually indicates an all clear diagnosis. I could totally relate to Heather’s loss as I was in the middle of something similar myself. Heather took her local title and ran with it. I was always amazed to watch my titleholders and see what they would do with their local titles and Heather’s path was impressive. The following year, little social media queen that she is, she did all of the social media for the pageant, relieving me of the responsibility. I love this girl so much and am so glad our paths crossed!

Well, Nikki Rottmayer. She’s the mother of our glambaby and beautiful wife of our son, Geoff.  I love her. She and I have had some good times living through the weird careers that our husbands have. I liked her from the first minute I met her and knew she would be perfect for Geoff. I’m glad he thought so, too! Nikki is fun, friendly and fabulous. 🙂

Jon Fisher is one of my very first twitter friends who has become an in real life friend. Through Jon, I met his amazing wife, Afton, and watched their little boy Cecil grow through the photos Afton posted every day on facebook. It’s always so funny to me how I love Cecil so much but have only seen him a handful of times. I think, “Oh Cecil! I’m so happy to see you!” and his look says, “STRANGER DANGER”. LOL! Jon is terrific and so funny. He’s a designer and I love that part, too. I’m so glad to know Jon and I love him and his little family.

Finally, there is Marilyn Davidson. I met her through the association the International Pageants has with the American Heart Association. Marilyn works at the capitol on issues that are important to the AHA. Through Marilyn, I met her husband, Myles, who is fabu. They are truly fun and friendly folks and now they have a cute little boy, Gibson. While I thought he was the image of Marilyn when he was born, the older he gets, the more he looks like his daddy. I love following his growing up on facebook, too.

Facebook kind of freaks me out at times. Because of this, the people who are my friends are really my friends. I hope you enjoyed this peek into my friends list. I love them. 🙂