I hate everything about you

If you’ve read this blog much at all, you know how much music is a part of my life. There is always music on in the car and I always sing along.

When the kids were small, they’d join in.

Today, I was driving to Tulsa and the song (I Hate) Everything About You by Ugly Kid Joe came on the radio. I love that song. It’s fun. :-)

Now you wouldn’t think a song about hating someone could be fun but the tune is bouncy, the lyrics are catchy, there is maniacal laughter and different sorts of vocal changes in it.

When I hear the song now, I literally laugh out loud.

The reason? The song was popular in 1992. Brandon was 10 and Geoff was 9. We sang it loud, word for word, in the car, on the way to…



What kind of a mother was I?

It’s this that makes me laugh. But we had fun. And we didn’t mean it. We just liked the fun.:-)