Judging a book by its cover

Under the category of you learn something new every day, did you know that books have different covers in different countries?

I didn’t know this!

My friend, Beth Hoffman, who wrote my very favorite book Saving Cee Cee Honeycut has just had her book published in the United Kingdom.  I’m excited because now everyone in the UK gets the opportunity to read this awesome book.

As I congratulated Beth, she commented that the thing that has been so fun is seeing the covers that each new country chooses for her book. I asked her if she had a link to the covers produced so far and she showed me:

They are all very different and, yet, you can see how each cover relates to the story inside. Beth says she’s very curious to see what the books from Israel, Indonesia and Korea will look like. Me, too!

I thought this fact about the different book covers was interesting. I figured if I didn’t know they did this, other people might not know either. Also, it gives me a chance to share, once again, this awesome book. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it!