She packs like a woman

Last month on it’s way back from the Bahamas, the bag that David took with him was horribly mangled. When they finally got it back to him, Delta sent a new bag and a check for $200 along with it.

For the record: this was MY red bag that was destroyed.

Delta sent a really nice black bag that must have been close to the same size but deeper because David was able to pack a whole lot more clothes into it than he had into my red bag.

I asked David if he knew where my small red bag was, the one I use for overnight visits. He informed me that that bag was the one that had been ruined by Delta.

MY red bag. The one I use for overnight visits.

Dilemma: The Mrs. Oklahoma Pageant starts tomorrow. I need enough clothes for the weekend and now I have one option. The LARGE red bag.

What to do? Pack like a woman and fill that large red bag or go luggage shopping for a new smaller bag?

What do you think? 🙂