Tag Archives: blackberry

Blackberry breakup

So if you know me at all, you know that I have been firmly on #teamblackberry since the dawn of time. I loved it!

When the iPhone came out and I started seeing all the cool apps that I couldn’t get on blackberry, it only minimally tempted me and I loved my blackberry.

Yesterday, foursquare came out with a new version. For the past week or so, we haven’t been able to access blackberry app world and so I couldn’t get the updated version of foursquare.

Well, if you know me, you also know that I love foursquare almost more, no, more than my blackberry. So it was time to make the change.

I got encouragement from my twitter friends.

And after I actually had the phone in my possession, Dwana sent me a Welcome Basket.

At first I was frustrated. Typing on the screen with fingers as big as mine has been difficult. Especially with the Rs and Ms. But I’m getting used to it.

I downloaded some apps that I hadn’t been able to have before like instagram and Runkeeper. We used Runkeeper this a.m. and I LOVE it!

Also, checking in on foursquare is super easy on the iPhone and we don’t have to slow down on our walks to check into the buffaloes. Woo hoo! 🙂

All in all, I really like my new iPhone. I miss the keyboard and I may always miss the keyboard but there are so many other things to love.

RIP blackberry. 🙂