Tag Archives: exaggeration

Up hill both way with no boots

Our daughter-in-love has been experiencing high blood pressure at the end of her pregnancy. The result is that she needs to be on bedrest.

This happened to me when I was pregnant with Brandon.

She tells me she’s bored.

Bedrest IS boring, no doubt. But when I did it, not only was there no internet but we were stationed in Cuba on the Guanantanamo Bay (Gitmo) Navy base and there was only one Armed Forces TV channel.

I have told her how much easier it will be for her with all of the satellite channels on TV, text messages, facebook and Pinterest.

It gave me a giggle this morning when I thought about how my telling her that my bedrest experience was like being held in a terrorist holding facility was the equivalent of my grandparents telling us how they had to walk to school in the snow, uphill both ways, with no boots.

hee hee 🙂