Tag Archives: jewelry

Color my world

I’m not sure if I can adequately convey what color means to me. It’s important. It makes me happy.

I do my graphic design work on a word of mouth basis. This limits my opportunities, perhaps, but it’s like I tell people, “life is too short to argue over color”.

My computer melted down yesterday and I’m not sure what’s wrong with it but the trouble shooting I did according to HP’s website said it needed to be seen by someone who knows what they are doing.

So I took it to the computer doctor this a.m. It’s going to be in the hospital for 10 days. Wowza. 10 days without my computer and the ability to design anything.

Initially, I was so glad that I had finished up the three projects I had been working on so I’m not leaving anyone in the lurch. But as I drove around doing my errands, I grew sadder and sadder at the thought of not being able to design anything for so long. I started hoping that Westgate Computers is a place that under promises and over delivers.

As I drove along in my colorless fog, I saw Dustee’s Fashion Accessories. The sign was pink and it looked fun. I crossed three lanes and pulled into the parking lot.

When I walked into the store, I was greeted with color and sparkle. The jewelry, arranged around the outside walls, was separated by color. While I do not think I will ever wear orange jewelry, it made me happy to look at it. All the colors made me happy, especially the blue. Oh, especially the blue, which I had to go back and gaze upon for a second time.

I just walked around that store soaking up the color and the joy. ::contented sigh::

To the other people inside the store, I probably looked like an alien being who had landed unexpectedly in the Land of Sparkle but I don’t care. That store is full of fabulous and I just wanted to soak it all up.

I’m not a shopper and I’ve never experienced such joy in a store before. I finally left, happy, content. I know I’ll go back there. 🙂