Tag Archives: orange personality

So orange I should be in Stillwater

I love personality tests. I think it’s really fun to see how, once I’ve answered all the questions, the results compare to who I really am.

A couple of days ago, several people in my twitter stream were at a conference and they were talking about personalities in colors: green, blue, orange and gold.

I didn’t see the beginning of the conversation so I googled the four colors and personality test. I found this quiz and started answering the questions.

My favorite question on the quiz was:

Do you prefer to make a contribution to others by (a) inspiring them or (b) entertaining them

How do you think I answered it? 🙂

When I finished the quiz, I got my answers. I am orange. Really orange. So orange I should be in Stillwater orange. There’s some blue, green and gold (in that order) there but so far away from the orange.

So what is orange? There’s a little presentation here, but in a nutshell:


  • “Just Do It” Action Oriented.
  • Quick-witted, Charming, Spontaneous
  • Playful. Injects fun into work.
  • Lives In Here & Now. Risk taker. Creative.
  • Enjoys Diversity, Variety, Competition.
  • Multi-tasker, Cheerful, Energetic. Bold.
  • Quick Thinking and Acting. Takes Charge.
  • High Visibility Performer. Accepts Challenges.
  • Enjoys Problem Solving. Negotiator.
  • Performs Well Under Pressure. Resilient.

Famous Oranges: JFK, Amelia Earhart, Lucille Ball, Rhett Butler, FDR, Francis of Assissi, Lee Iacocca, Winston Churchill, Garfield

I love that I’m orange like Garfield.

Take the quiz. It’s fun to see how close they come to who you are. This one identified me pretty well. 🙂