Tag Archives: stormy

Rock me, rock me, roll me through the night

It rained last night. I figured that it had since it was so windy I felt like I was on the Titanic. What if the RV tips over?

The wind blows from the west most of the time so if the RV tips, it will tip onto the door. Then Boo Boo and I would have to climb out a window.

This is the exit window. It would be easier to climb out of it if was across from the island so I’d have something to stand on to reach it.

And of course, it would only tip while David was away so I’d have to figure it out myself.

And live tweet the event.

Someone would probably still have to send help. 😉

These are the things that I think of when it’s super windy. And it’s windy here a lot. 🙂