Tracking with the royals

I always felt like I tracked with Princess Diana.

We both walked down the aisle to Trumpet Voluntaire’.

Then we each had an heir. And a spare

We both, sadly, suffered from bulimia. 🙁

Then she got divorced and dead and our paths veered onto very different tracks.

I cried as I watched her funeral on TV. She was so much in the public eye and we both seemed to be at the same spot in our lives and I felt like she was my friend.

Now, once again, our path is converging onto the same track with the royal path although the track is Diana-less.

The heir is getting married!

Our heir will be getting married to the gorgeous Vanessa on June 11, 2011.

When will their heir marry Kate? That remains to be seen but we will probably be a little bit ahead as we always have been. Tracking, yet again, with the royals.

Fun facts:

Our wedding: April 21, 1979 / Their wedding: June 29, 1981

The Heir’s birthday: December 31, 1982 /Prince William’s birthday: June 21, 1982

The Spare’s birthday: June 7, 1984 / Prince Harry’s birthday: September 15, 1984


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lauri Rottmayer, Lauri Rottmayer. Lauri Rottmayer said: Tracking with the royals. […]

  2. […] you read my previous post, Tracking with the royals, you will know how I identified with Diana and how sad I felt when she […]