I Was Nervous!

Today was my first weigh-in for the Ton of Fun Challenge and I was nervous to step on the scale.

Ton of Fun Challenge

I’m super competitive. Mostly with myself, especially as far as weight loss goes. I joined the challenge to have accountability to lose weight. Before I left the house, I asked David if he thought I had lost at least one pound.

I did not want to look like a loser when I weighed in at Fleet Feet.  Ha! You know, an unsuccessful person. I definitely wanted to look like a weight loser. If I could lose one pound, I would feel successful.

You see, I was not perfect. Oh, I met my exercise goals. I always do. But on Friday we made pizza with the glambaby and I ate the finished product. So I was nervous.

The rest of the week, I was paleo chic. We tried some fabulous new recipes out of Everyday Paleo and Cave Women Don’t Get Fat. I’d say I was paleo at least 80% of the time if not more.

Cave Women Don't Get Fat

The good news is, I ate very little sugar. Losing the sugar from my diet is goal number two on my list of 100 goals. While most of my goals are not in order of priority, numbers one through three are. They are the goals that come to my head when I think, “Hmmm what goals do I have in life?”

Number one, I’ll keep in my pocket. But number two is to stop eating sugar and number three is to eat paleo almost 100% of the time.

So, anyway. I wasn’t perfect. And I’m okay with that. I’ve tried that trying to be perfect thing and it truly didn’t end well. But knowing that I wasn’t perfect, got me nervous to step on the scale.

I took off my jacket, took off my shoes, wiped my sweaty palms on my pants, took a deep breath and stepped on the scale.

And I lost 7.2 pounds!

Oh my goodness! I was so excited! I didn’t expect that and it was just so awesome. (I know, I know but it truly was awesome. ;-))

I’ve set a goal of 24 pounds to lose over the course of the challenge and I’m well on my way. I know I won’t be losing 7 pounds every week but I’m excited to have gotten such a good start. 🙂