Little daddy

Tyke is my glamdog. I love him and he loves me.

Before the glambaby was born, Tyke was Nikki’s baby, more or less. According to Nikki, he isn’t too interested in Aniston unless someone else stops by the house and pays attention to her. I always try and make sure to spend time with him when I go to visit because he knows I’m his grandma. 🙂

Yesterday, we stopped by to see Geoff, Nikki, Aniston and Tyke and we learned that Tyke has a baby now.

He has taken a toy that used to belong to Nikki’s sister and has started carrying it around like it’s his baby.

He grooms it.

And puts it to sleep in the corner.

Yesterday, after Tyke put his baby to sleep, he hopped up on the couch and crashed out himself. Nikki reached over and pet him saying, “It’s tough work to look after a baby, isn’t it Tyke?”

When Aniston started crawling seemingly toward the baby, Tyke jumped off the couch to go get it and keep it safe.

He’s “taking care” of this toy like a mother dog would take care of her new puppy and it’s so cute it makes me want to cry.

Watching Tyke like this, it’s easy to believe that our pets do have feelings and emotions and can see what’s going on in our lives. Tyke is a good daddy. Just like Geoff. But he’s also a good mommy. Just like Nikki. 🙂

*Many thanks to Nikki for all of the photos but the top one. 🙂