Author Archives: Lauri Rottmayer

About Lauri Rottmayer

I'm a speaker and writer and social media queen. Married to my best friend for 38 years, we have two amazing men children, two gorgeous daughters-in-love, a precious glambaby, and a cute boy dog, Frankie Bolwahnn.

It’s Been A Hell of a Year, I’m Glad We Made It Out

I’m not sure about you but I am SO happy that 2022 is over. It ranks right up there as one of my least favorite years in life.

I struggled through real estate for another year. Was it a mistake? Maybe? I really loved my YouTube channel and other socials. I really loved the clients that came to me through my socials. But I really hated that actual business of real estate. It was soul sucking. I ended up at two more brokerages bringing me through a total of four in the little over two years I had my license. It wasn’t them it was me.

I can’t even begin to tell you how relieved I was to sign the back of my license to inactivate it. Whew! Glad I tried it but oh so glad it’s over.

I also launched my online marshmallow business in October. After working on the techniques, flavors, etc. for over a year, the state of Arkansas changed their food laws and I was finally able to sell the marshmallows in an online shop. It was fun. Sort of. While I love making marshmallows, I didn’t enjoy the actual business of selling them. I learned that I’d rather gift marshmallows than sell them.

Again, one more thing I’m glad I tried but am oh so happy it’s over.

So now what? 2023 is here and my life is wide open for new opportunities. I have a couple of things I’m working on. Picking up blogging again is one of them.

January is World Carnivore Month and I’m fully onboard with that. I have been a carnivore for several years now. The marshmallows totally got in the way of that because I felt like I couldn’t sell something I hadn’t tasted. I’m feeling so much better to have the sugar out of my system!

With Fe the Fluffy

It’s been fun to learn how to take care of the cows and the chickens. Who’d have ever guessed those words would come out of my fingers?!?! I actually got to hold my fluffy chicken, Fe. A couple of times! Someday, I’m going to hold Frannie, too, but she’s a swift complainer. LOL! I haven’t caught her yet.

I look forward to what this year holds for me and am excited about the future. I wish you a terrific year, too!

Dirty Laundry – Book Review

This was a good book with unexpected twists and turns! I couldn’t put it down.

The story takes place in a small village in Ireland. Ciara is the perfect Instagram influencer and she wears her crown proudly among their social circle. She rules it. Her best friend is Mishti, a meek Indian woman who is more of a sounding board for Ciara than anything. Lauren is the next door neighbor who has lived in the village her whole life and been ridiculed by the girls. As an adult she still encounters this but wraps her life around her family.

When Ciara winds up dead, you will think someone else did it. I loved that part because I couldn’t have guessed. Good book!

With Love From Wish & Company – Book Review

I have no idea why it took me so long to read this book because I absolutely loved it. It was such a good story, I guess I didn’t want it to end.

Marnie is a gift buyer. She offers this service for wealthy people who are too busy or who don’t know what to gift the people in her life. For years she has been trying to buy the building that once housed her grandfather’s shoe store. It has been burned by a fire and, even though she is family, her uncle will not sell it to her and it goes up for auction.

In the process of being so busy trying to figure out how she can come up with enough money to purchase the building, gifts for a wealthy client’s wife and mistress are accidentally given to the wrong person. Marnie also falls in love with the client’s son which presents another whole problem.

I loved this story, how the problems were solved, and how the book ended. I highly recommend!

How You Grow Wings – Book Review

Since living in West Africa, I have found some of my favorite reads to be by authors from the region. This was a tough but good book to read.

The story of two very different sisters. The older sister, Cheta, is tough and outspoken, while Zam, the younger sister, is more meek and preferred by her mother. Their mother is very domineering and abusive. Zam tries to stay under the radar where her mom and sister are involved. Dad is just there. He stays uninvolved and is probably beaten down by the mother. Ultimately, Zam has the good fortune to move in with her wealthy aunt and her family. Of course this causes further conflict between the girls.

The story is rough but good and I look forward to being able to read this author’s next book.

Such Big Dreams – Book Review

I enjoyed this debut novel about a former street child, Rakhi, who has grown up. While she holds a job in the office of a social justice law firm, her boss takes every moment to let her know how “less than” she is. But Rahki, who still lives in a large slum, is strong and never gives up. She has hopes of a better life in the hotel industry.

Rakhi is underestimated and despite having to jump through all kinds of hoops, she never gives up. This was a good book and I look forward to reading another from this author.

Book Review: Reputation

I loved Mean Girls and a mashup between Mean Girls and Jane Austen sounded like a great idea. And it was!

I loved this historical novel. I didn’t think it was exactly a romcom as there were some darker threads in the story. But it was also fun and I laughed my way through it. I sincerely wanted a cocktail, as well. 😉

Georgia Ellers is sent to live with her fussy aunt and uncle as her parents take a break from her? Or their lives. Georgiana is bored out of her mind until she meets Frances Campbell at a party. The two become fast friends and “George” is thrilled with being included in the wild life of her new, extremely wealthy friends.

Reputation is an excellent debut novel. I absolutely loved how funny and entertaining it was! 

It’s My Half Birthday!

Today I am 61 ½ years old. I love my birthday and cake so much that I have celebrated my half birthday for as long as I can remember. 😁

Today, I have half of a mocha layer cake with mocha buttercream. Frosting isn’t something I do very well at all so I’m pleased at the way this one looks. 🍰

Birthdays represent joy, cake, happiness, fun, balloons, cake, friends, laughing, and cake. I just love mine. 🎈

Do you celebrate your half birthday?

Book Review: Meant To Be

Emily Giffin is one of my favorite authors and I loved this book like I have all of her others.

Joe’s family is like American royalty. Everyone knows who they are, they are fabulously wealthy, and they live a privileged life. Cate comes from the wrong side of the tracks who makes it big as a fashion model.

When Joe happens upon a photoshoot Cate is doing on the beach, he falls for her. Cate tries not to fall back. She feels like there’s no way the two of them can possibly work given that they have such different backgrounds.

However, they were meant to be. I loved this book and couldn’t put it down. I highly recommend it!

Here I Go Again – In Pageant Central

I’m so excited to tell you that I’ve entered a pageant! I thought I was finished competing after Mrs. International in 2016 but that little bug will not go away.

So which pageant now? I’ve entered the Ms Arkansas Senior America pageant. It’s scheduled for June 2-4 in Hot Springs and is for woman aged 60 and over.

Not only am I excited to compete again but I’ve never been to Hot Springs yet in our travels around Arkansas so I’m looking forward to that as well.

The pageant honors the “age of elegance”. I’ll be competing in an interview with a panel of judges. There is an evening gown competition during which I will present my philosophy of life statement. The last portion is TALENT! I am going to dance and I so love the idea of entertaining the pageant audience. This is the first pageant I’ve done that had a talent portion.

I’m competing for the first time in a state other than Florida! Yep, every single other pageant I have ever done was held in Florida. I’m also competing for the first time with a green wardrobe. It might sound like a minor detail but I love green and it’s my favorite color. Even with this being the case, I rarely wear green and so it will be a nice change to wear my favorite color.

I’ve been busy getting everything together that I need and practicing. I’ve nearly got everything together and I will be super prepared by the first of June.

The winner of the pageant will go on to the National Senior America Pageant which will be held in Hershey, PA in September.

We’ve got our hotel rooms booked and I booked tickets for my friends and family. I’m super excited about this one and I will let you know what happens!