Category Archives: weight loss & health

I Was Nervous!

Today was my first weigh-in for the Ton of Fun Challenge and I was nervous to step on the scale.

Ton of Fun Challenge

I’m super competitive. Mostly with myself, especially as far as weight loss goes. I joined the challenge to have accountability to lose weight. Before I left the house, I asked David if he thought I had lost at least one pound.

I did not want to look like a loser when I weighed in at Fleet Feet.  Ha! You know, an unsuccessful person. I definitely wanted to look like a weight loser. If I could lose one pound, I would feel successful.

You see, I was not perfect. Oh, I met my exercise goals. I always do. But on Friday we made pizza with the glambaby and I ate the finished product. So I was nervous.

The rest of the week, I was paleo chic. We tried some fabulous new recipes out of Everyday Paleo and Cave Women Don’t Get Fat. I’d say I was paleo at least 80% of the time if not more.

Cave Women Don't Get Fat

The good news is, I ate very little sugar. Losing the sugar from my diet is goal number two on my list of 100 goals. While most of my goals are not in order of priority, numbers one through three are. They are the goals that come to my head when I think, “Hmmm what goals do I have in life?”

Number one, I’ll keep in my pocket. But number two is to stop eating sugar and number three is to eat paleo almost 100% of the time.

So, anyway. I wasn’t perfect. And I’m okay with that. I’ve tried that trying to be perfect thing and it truly didn’t end well. But knowing that I wasn’t perfect, got me nervous to step on the scale.

I took off my jacket, took off my shoes, wiped my sweaty palms on my pants, took a deep breath and stepped on the scale.

And I lost 7.2 pounds!

Oh my goodness! I was so excited! I didn’t expect that and it was just so awesome. (I know, I know but it truly was awesome. ;-))

I’ve set a goal of 24 pounds to lose over the course of the challenge and I’m well on my way. I know I won’t be losing 7 pounds every week but I’m excited to have gotten such a good start. 🙂


I started taking a daily power nap in 2003, the best I can remember. Since I have been working for myself, nap time is always at 2:00 p.m. and it lasts 20 minutes. I set a timer.

Taking this 20 minutes to lay down and close my eyes, is just the pick-up I need to get through the second half of the day at top productivity.

I hear people who say, “I could never only nap for 20 minutes”. “That wouldn’t do me any good, I’d never get to sleep in such a short time.” I’m not sure I really sleep during my nap but I most definitely recharge. I know that if I were to lay down for hours every afternoon, it would ruin my ability to sleep that night and probably also make me feel sluggish for the rest of the day.

But at 2:00 p.m. every day it’s time for #napnapbaby. Even the dog knows what that means and heads for the bedroom. 🙂

A great how-to for power napping can be found here. A quick google search will turn up many articles about why napping each day is good for you.

Even when I worked outside of the home, I was able to fit my power nap into my hour long lunch break. It’s really worth it and I encourage you to give it a try! 🙂

Ton of Fun Challenge

I do really well at challenges because I’m super competitive. That’s why I joined the Ultimate Blog Challenge this month. And now, I’ve joined the Ton of Fun Challenge at Fleet Feet Sports.

Tons of Fun Challenge

The 12 week program offers nutrition advice, fitness workouts and accountability. Fitness isn’t tough. We work out every day and I feel terrible if we miss. And I could write a book on diet and nutrition but the actual doing of it? For the food part?  I need accountability!

I went yesterday a.m. for my first weigh-in. I stepped on the scale and learned that I have had WAY too much food fun the past couple of months. The good news is, it makes me feel like crap so I’m ready to get in line.

If you read my blog, you have read about my 100 Goals list. I’ve added completing this challenge successfully to the list. Like other goals on the list, if I attain this one, it will allow me to also achieve (or be closer to achieving) Goals 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 31, 43, 47, 53, 54, and 79. Interesting, eh?

A couple of those goals are fitness and running related. A couple are wardrobe related. 🙂

The program offers support in a facebook group and prizes for reaching various goals. I’m excited. This is one challenge I’m going to win! 🙂

Do you use challenges as a way to help you achieve a goal?

3 HIIT observations

This is day three of my new HIIT workout program and I really like it. Today, while I was on the trail, I had three observations about this new workout or HIITservations, if you will. 🙂


1, I am my own biggest cheerleader. During the 30 second run-as-hard-as-I-can intervals, I find myself coaching Me. It’s like I’m standing on the sidelines watching myself almost winning a race and knowing if I can cheer loud enough I will make it. Sometimes, I imagine I’m a secret agent and bad Russian guys are after me  but mostly, I put myself in race mode. Go, Lauri, go! 🙂

2. I’m sore differently. I think most people get sore when they start training, especially if it’s a different program than before. With this plan, I feel it most in my inner thighs and where I sit. Ladies, this is NOT a bad thing. 🙂 I drink 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a bottle of water as soon as I get back to my car and I’m walking around stretching and cooling down. I found out, when I was learning the kettlebell swing, that this combo is really effective at fighting DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).

3. I’m going faster than I thought. Today when I did my first run interval, I thought, “Holy moly, this is strange”, Because I’m sore differently, I feel like I’m running slower and having to push harder. Or maybe, because I thought I was running slower, I pushed harder. I don’t know which it is but the truth of the matter is, I arrived at the half approximately 30 seconds faster than on Wednesday. I meant to start the Runkeeper today to keep track of that but only remembered it after the second set. I’ll need to remember at the beginning from now on.

In any case, I really love this workout. I’m currently doing 8 sets of 30 second run intervals followed by 1:30 brisk walk intervals to catch my breath. As I progress, I’ll modify these times.

If you haven’t done HIIT before, I encourage you to give it a try. It seems to be a really effective workout and takes only about 30 minutes as I’m doing it now. Go, you, go! 🙂

Sugar is a slippery slope

Last week, David asked me at the last minute if I wanted to bring the dog and come along with him on his build route. I was excited to be asked and hurriedly made sure that I packed healthy snacks for the car.

Since beginning to eat paleo, I’ve realized that I can eat in almost any restaurant and maintain the healthy eating style. Having good snacks for the car is important to keep from getting too hungry.

That first day, although I had no idea it was going to happen, or not happen as it were, we didn’t eat lunch. David told me that he’s often caught out, far from civilization at lunch time and often goes without eating.

Needless to say, by the time dinner rolled around – and it was a late dinner – I was beyond starving and any good intentions to eat right on this trip had flown out the window miles before. The healthy carrots and radishes we had brought along barely took up any space in my very empty stomach.

We saw the Dairy Queen.

What we’ve learned while driving around Texas is that even the tiniest little towns have a Dairy Queen. I could have even eaten right at the Dairy Queen but I ordered a patty melt, french fries and a Georgia Mud Fudge blizzard (medium sized thankyouverymuch) for dessert. I don’t think I took a breath until I had hoovered the entire meal and, the shocking thing is,  I still felt hungry after I was finished. 🙁

The next day, forewarned by the previous day’s experience, we stopped by Walmart to get lunch. And some snacks.  Some good snacks. Into our cart went cookies and Doritos and donuts and Wheat Thins and a bag of Snickers. I was NOT going to be hungry on that day.

And then the slide started. Oh, I put healthy things into the basket too, but basically I shopped as if I was still as hungry as I had been the previous day.

Breakfast came. Instead of some healthy eggs and fruit, I chucked it all over for pancakes, syrup (extra syrup, please!) and sausage. And down the slope I rolled. Faster and faster.

Sugar and flour make me feel AWFUL. First my knees ache, then  my hips ache, pretty soon all of the joints in my whole body ache and I can’t sleep. It’s bad stuff. So what on earth possesses me to EVER eat sugar and/or flour?

Especially when we’re in a restaurant.  That should be the epitome of easy healthy eating since someone else is preparing the meal for me. But that first little bite tastes so good. And  I don’t feel bad. Not right away. It takes about three days to start feeling really bad and I can tell myself it’s not that big of a deal.


Several years ago, my friend was diagnosed with diabetes. We went to an anniversary dinner and she was drinking sweet tea. Her daughter was trying to get her to drink  water but she insisted on the sweet tea. I couldn’t understand why she would do that to herself.

And, yet, here I am basically doing the same thing.  Although I just want to keep feeling good and flexible, I’m still hurting myself by giving in to that first bite that will push me over the edge and down the slippery slope.

I’m going to try really hard not to do that anymore. 🙂


She ain’t heavy, she’s my…

…well, she is me.

And how would I really know how heavy I am? David persuaded me to leave my scale behind when we moved to Amarillo. His justification was that the RV isn’t so big that we have room for every little thing and he thought the scale would be better off in our bathroom in Bartlesville.

Well, it’s not JUST a little thing. How am I supposed to know if I’m gaining tons of weight here?

True confession time: I will admit that I’ve been addicted to the scale for many, many years. I have a history of disordered eating that I like to think I’m finally past. There are two things I can’t seem to let go of, though, and one of them is the scale.

Last weekend David had to attend some meetings in Dallas and I made plans to visit with my friend, Denise. I had a brilliant idea:

So I got there and even though I had eaten breakfast, had coffee, was in clothes, I was still 5 lbs less than I was when we left Bartlesville. My day was so HAPPY!

While I realize that basing my happiness on a scale number is ridiculous, I can’t tell you how terrified I was that I was just gaining weight hand over fist.

One of the things we decided prior to moving was that we would never have sugar or flour and anything “bad” in our RV home. There have been days when it’s been tough, usually David is gone and I’m missing him and a nice slice of chocolate cake sounds like a good idea.

But I haven’t given in. David almost did. And it crushed me.

When we were shopping on Saturday, all of a sudden, I saw a package of flour tortillas in the shopping cart.

Me: Are you really going to buy those and bring them into the RV?

Him: Yes.

Holy cow. I was crushed. I mean seriously, I felt betrayed. It must have been on my face like my emotions are a lot and he eventually put the tortillas back on the shelf. I thanked him.

We have been eating mostly Paleo since November of 2010. What I know about that is that we feel so much better when we eat this way. But I have a big sweet tooth and an incredible ability to follow a bad idea (foodwise) to it’s hurtful (oh my aching joints!) conclusion. I knew that if those tortillas got into the RV, it would be the beginning of the end.

David travels and I know he doesn’t eat as healthfully when he’s on the road. He really needs to let that be the only time.

We are heading home for Labor Day weekend. I will visit the scale and it’s very likely I will bring it back with me. I can always store it under the mattress. 🙂