Crack rock

Well, my attempt to make my own birthday cake did not end well. Because I’m a Libra and can’t make a decision, I conducted a survey.

Survey says:

Turtle Cake. Nom! But then, that’s what I thought of all of the final four choices.

So I began my birthday making the cake. I was having so much fun. In  between steps, I was responding to the many birthday wishes on facebook and twitter. I mixed up that cake to the hard driving sounds of White Zombie.

Then my cell phone rang and it was my friend, Denise. I turned the music down and talked to her while I was stirring, continuously, the beginnings of the caramel. I was at a point where I had to go forward. There was no stopping.

It was sort of hard to talk and stir with the cellphone being so small. It doesn’t tuck under the chin like the bigger house phone does. And when it came time to add the cream, I just dumped it all in so that I could keep stirring and talking.

This may be where I made my fatal mistake. I’ve never made caramel before and, in retrospect, I think it might need a little more attention and a little less Metallica than I was giving it.

I ended up with a big rock. Kinda like a crack rock.

Although I’ve never seen a crack rock but I did taste the caramel that was liquid. Oh. My. Goodness. It was AMAZING! I wanted to suck it through a straw it was so good.

So I drowned it. Yep, I ran water in it until it was just a creamy memory.

I didn’t get any cake for my birthday but it’s not the end of the world. I’m sure I’ll snag a piece of cake somewhere really soon. And I’ll be sure to put a candle in it. 🙂