Play Doh Isn’t As Tasty As It Looks

We have recently gotten Play Doh for the Glambaby. I loved Play Doh when I was a kid and, at almost three years old, I felt it was time to share that love with her.

We started out with just four cans of it: pink, purple, green and blue. I like those colors and so does she. I was worried about them getting mixed up so we would play with them one color at a time at first. 


We rolled them into snakes and bracelets, rings and cats. Her favorite thing to make with it is a birthday present. And if she’s being really fancy she’ll add a bow on the top of it. Then we hand it back and forth and open it, talking about what the birthday present is and commenting about how lovely it is. 

She also turned it into a birthday cake one time. It was entirely her idea to use the crayons as candles and I got a laugh out of that, thinking how clever she is.


I’ve loved how having only the PlayDoh stimulated her imagination. But once we started playing with it, she found some videos on YouTube where they have other Play Doh accessories they use to make dresses for Disney Princesses. So I started looking at other things we could get to go along with the Play Doh we already had. 

For Christmas, we ended up getting two different Sofia the First sets and one big set of cut out tools and shapes, like cookie cutters. 


With the Sofia sets, we also got the much desired Sparkle Play Doh! Sparkle Play Doh is available in a six color set for the price of $3.50 but it was completely sold out before Christmas. I still could have gotten that same $3.50 set for $40 if I had wanted to pay that to the guy who was selling it on eBay. But I decided we’d take what we got with the Sofia sets and hope that the other set was available by her birthday in February. It’s very nice and sparkly and we weren’t disappointed with the ones we got. 


The day after Christmas we were playing. It’s amazing to me how long this busy little girl will sit and play with the Play Doh. The Sofia sets are nice. One makes jewels and one makes treats. We’ve begun opening more than one color at a time and we haven’t had too much mixing of the colors. 

The glambaby has never been one to put things in her mouth that don’t belong there. Several months ago, we were coloring and she randomly stuck the orange crayon in her mouth. It was so weird because we really never had to watch out for that sort of thing with her. She was surprised that it didn’t taste good but something about it must have looked good to her for her to decide she wanted to taste it. I teased her about eating the orange crayon and we laughed about it. She hasn’t tried to eat another crayon since. 

Imagine my surprise when she decided to taste the blue Play Doh. The look on her face was priceless. Clearly, it wasn’t as tasty as she thought it was going to be and we had to brush her teeth to get the look off of her face. 


The first time we baked cookies, I felt sure she would eat the dough. But we were almost completely finished rolling and cutting out cookies before she finally decided she should sample the dough. She liked it and I think it’s possible she ended up eating more of the unbaked dough than actual cookies. 

I have to believe that the Play Doh reminds her of cookie dough. Especially since we now have what look like cookie cutters to use with the Play Doh. Sadly, Play Doh will never taste as good as cookie dough no matter how brilliant and tasty looking its colors are. 

Playing with the glambaby lets me be a kid again and I love introducing her to toys and songs from my past. I can’t wait until she’s big enough for a pogo stick. I think that would be a lot of fun and I never had one when I was a kid. I figure by the time she’s heavy enough to work a pogo stick, I’ll be about 60. 😉