Pretzel Crisps!

One day last month, I was tweeting with my friend @ginidietrich when I got this tweet:


How fun! I had never heard of Pretzel Crisps but was interested in finding out more. So I replied with my address. I spoke to my sister shortly thereafter and she told me she had seen them on the Today Show. Since I don’t watch much TV (except sports), I usually find things out via twitter.

The other day, the doorbell rang and the FedEx man had left a package. I couldn’t wait to open it up. When I did, I saw:


Whoa! It looked like Pretzel Crisps sent me one of each flavor!

There were lots of savory options and even two sweet options along with two pens and two koozies.

Pretzel Crisps

Okay, the pen…


The pen has the ability to write either blue or red ink and it brings back fabulous childhood memories of the pens with all the colors in them. Maybe they still have pens like that but I haven’t seen one since I was a kid. I love this pen! 🙂

Back to the snacks. We both love pretzels and we decided that we’d try two different flavors. I’m a Libra so faced with so many incredible taste options was difficult for me but I chose the Chipotle Cheddar. David chose the Garlic Parmesan.

They were both delish!

I love cheese in all shapes and forms and these crisps were cheesy without leaving orange on my fingers. I loved the bite of the chipotle.


The garlic parmesan were nice and garlicky. Yum.

I’m not much of a savory snacker but I’m going to have to hide these from David for sure. They are a very tasty treat and I’m looking forward to trying the sweet flavors: Peanut Butter Crunch and Dark Chocolate Crunch.

Many thanks to Pretzel Crisps for the unexpected treat! 🙂