Tag Archives: banana muffin

Who’s got the muffin?

Yesterday as we prepared to leave cold and snowy Lincoln, NE we stopped to get some gas and something to eat to tide us over until we got someplace where a real restaurant was open.

It was early. And did I mention cold? Yep, it was 6 degrees.

Holy cow!

While David filled up the car (with the motor running) I ran in to grab us something to eat. Such a freezing cold morning made me throw all caution to the wind and get a package of Grandma’s Peanut Butter cookies for myself. I love those. I got David a banana nut muffin.

As we pulled away from the gas station, I realized that I couldn’t find my glasses case. I just got my cool Ray Bans and was so freaked out that I may have lost them while loading the car up. So as I searched around my seat (it was so dark!) David slowly made his way back to the hotel.

I found them! They had slid to the side of my seat. Whew!

It was pretty warm in the car by this time so I took my coat off and prepared for our 9 hour trip.

OMG! Where’s my phone?!?!

David stopped again. I grabbed my coat and sure enough my phone was still in the pocket. Whew!

We drove on towards Little Rock in the cold morning, sun rising.

It seemed like a good time for cookies and a muffin but the muffin, which had been in my lap, was no where to be found!

I looked everywhere but it was so dark, I couldn’t find it.

Uh oh.

David was good about it, though. Β He said he’d get something the next time we stopped.

As we neared Little Rock late in the afternoon, we stopped for more gas. I grabbed my coat out of the back seat and there it was!

Woo hoo! I found it! πŸ™‚

I still have no clue how the muffin got in the back seat. I must have been searching for my glasses so fast and furiously I was throwing things. LOL! πŸ™‚