Tag Archives: boo boo the wonderdog

Political endorsement

I love this time of the year. No, not Christmas (although I do love Christmas) but the political season. I’m a junkie. I love to watch it all, listen to it all, see it all. I want to see who the people are that want to run our great country. Try and understand what they are all about.

From the beginning, I was fully on board the Cain Train.  I loved the way he talked about getting our country back on track. I’ve long thought that running the country like a business would be a good idea (i.e. let’s have a budget, dudes).

So the message that Herman Cain was sending was, in his word, resonating with me. Plus, I thought he seemed like a genuinely nice man with a really good heart. I liked that. To say I was disappointed in the way things have turned out is an understatement.

You know, what Lauri wants Lauri gets and in this case, that isn’t going to happen.

So, after much thought and research I have decided who I am endorsing for the 2012 Presidential nomination:

Yes, Boo Boo the Wonderdog is a large breed with a giant personality. He’s honest and smart and dedicated. I think he’ll be an amazing president. 🙂