Tag Archives: bread talk


We arrived in Singapore around midnight and by the time we got settled into our hotel, it was close to 1 a.m. We slept. For 12 hours we slept. Anyone who knows David and I know that we never sleep like that.

We no longer needed to wonder about where we would snag breakfast as it was lunchtime. We headed out, taking our time, looking at what was around. All the while keeping an eye out for someplace to eat.

We ended up at the Plaza Singapura which is an enormous, 8 level shopping mall.

Plenty of choices here. But, being Rottmayers, where did we end up?

Yep, brats!

I got an original (sauerkraut and mustard) with a black pepper brat and David got an original with a beer brat. I don’t know if it’s because we were so hungry but that was the BEST brat I have ever eaten!

We then walked around the mall and looked at everything.

We saw some new conveyances.

And something for Vanessa.

And we took a good, long visit inside a store called Bread Talk.

Can someone please tell me why we didn’t buy anything there?