The Ghost of Christmas Past

So I really should have written this blog post a couple of weeks ago when it was happening. But since it made me so happy, I’m going to go ahead and post it now.

We haven’t had a real Christmas tree for around 10 years. The last time I put one up was in 2002 but it never got decorated. You see, I worked for the company who does the merchandise for the Outback Bowl and we worked our tails off for the month prior to the game, getting only Christmas day off. Decorating the tree just never got done.

Our place in Bartlesville wasn’t really big enough for a tree. But, a couple of years ago, David wasn’t home and I really wanted a tree. After hanging an ornament a friend gave me on the lamp, I realized, “Hey, this lamp is shaped liked a tree!” And I decorated it. 🙂

lamptreeSo this year, I was so excited to be in a big enough house with enough time to have a Christmas tree and decorate it! I waited sort of late-ish because David was out of the country and I wanted to have the whole experience with him.

We bought a beautiful, real tree. With a Detroit lean.

leanAfter a few snips, we were able to get it standing straight. It was SO much fun going through the trunk of our Christmas tree ornaments. I had forgotten exactly what we had. I decided I wanted to go with red and nutcrackers. I pulled out what we had and then we supplemented with more from the store.


Then we let the Glambaby help by putting candy canes on the tree.

glambabyAnd, of course, the golden Elvis at the top. This year, I secured him to the ribbon which made him stand out even more.


I couldn’t have been happier with the way the tree looked after we were done decorating it. It was GORGEOUS! And happy making. 🙂

treeOne of my friends made a crack about the pine colored carpet and I agree it’s hideous. I can’t wait until we pull it up. But for Christmas? It totally worked.

I ordered stockings embroidered with our names and hung them on the mantle along with my nutcracker collection. Oh how I missed my nutcrackers!


I added a couple of camels from our time in Bahrain.


And a tiny woodland creature.


Then I found my big nutcrackers and the reindeer that Geoff made in shop class.


I think it all turned out great and I’m so happy we got to do it. I can’t wait for next year! 🙂